• Financial Report
  • /
  • Consolidated Financial Statements of Emmi Group
  • /
  • Notes to the financial statements
Konzernrechnung emmi Gruppe

Notes the consolidated financial statements

Principles of consolidation

General information

The Board of Directors of Emmi AG approved the Group financial statements on 28 February 2020. They are subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

Accounting principles

The consolidated financial statements are based on the annual accounts of the Group companies for the year ending 31 December 2019, prepared on a uniform basis. The Group prepares its accounts in compliance with all existing guidelines of Swiss GAAP FER (Swiss Accounting and Reporting Recommendations) and the provisions of Swiss law.

Valuation is based on historical cost (acquisition cost or production cost) or actual value. The section “Principles of valuation” contains the valuation principles of specific balance sheet items. The income statement is presented using the classification of expenses based on their nature. The consolidated financial statements are based on economic values and present a true and fair view of the company’s assets, financial position and results of operations. They are prepared under the assumption of going concern.

The consolidated financial statements are presented in Swiss francs (CHF). Except where stated otherwise, all amounts in the Financial report are presented in thousands of Swiss francs.

Scope of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the annual accounts of Emmi AG as well as the Group companies in which Emmi AG directly or indirectly holds more than 50 % of the voting rights or where Emmi has a controlling influence over the financial and business policy of a company by contractual agreement. Investments in joint ventures and investments in associates where Emmi has significant influence (this is usually assumed when the Group owns 20 % to 50 % of the voting rights in the company) are accounted for using the equity method. Accounts based on or reconciliations to Swiss GAAP FER are used to calculate Emmi’s proportionate share in shareholders’ equity. Minority holdings in companies where Emmi does not have a significant influence are carried in the balance sheet at acquisition cost less any necessary adjustments for impairment. The consolidated companies are listed in the Notes to the consolidated financial statements (note 32).

Changes to the scope of consolidation

The following changes to the scope of consolidation took place in the year under review. For changes of the capital share without impact on the scope of consolidation or on the consolidation method, please refer to note 32.

Consolidated companies



Capital in thousands

Capital share 31.12.2019

Capital share 31.12.2018

Emmi Frisch-Service AG, Schlieren, Switzerland

Sold on 3.4.2019



100 %

Leeb Group






Leeb Biomilch GmbH, Wartberg, Austria1)

Partially acquired on 8.10.2019



66 %

Laticínios Porto Alegre Group






Laticínios Porto Alegre Indústria e Comércio S.A., Ponte Nova, Brazil2)

Partially acquired on 24.10.2019



70 %

40 %

Pasticceria Quadrifoglio Group






Pasticceria Quadrifoglio S.r.l., Piumazzo, Italy3)

Acquired on 31.10.2019



100 %

Emmi Javelin B.V ., Tiel, Netherlands4)

Founded on 16.12.2019



100 %

Quillayes Surlat S.p.A., Santiago, Chile4)

Founded on 23.12.2019



37 %

1) Leeb Group consists of the company mentioned above and Hale GmbH. See note 32.

2) Laticínios Porto Alegre Group consists of the parent company mentioned above and its subsidiary Transportadora Porto Alegre S.A. Due to the increase of the investment in Laticínios Porto Alegre Group, Emmi controls and thus fully consolidates this company as from 24 October 2019 onwards. Transportadora Porto Alegre S.A. was merged into Laticínios Porto Alegre Indústria e Comércio S.A. on 30 December 2019. See note 32.

3) Pasticceria Quadrifoglio Group consists of the parent company mentioned above as well as Gelostar S.r.l. and Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. See note 32.

4) No operating activities in the period under review.

Associates and joint ventures






Natur-All BBVV-2018, S.L., Corella, Spain

Partially acquired on 17.6.2019



18 %

Consolidation method

Capital is consolidated using the purchase method.

Assets and liabilities as well as expenses and income of the fully consolidated companies are included in their entirety. Minority interests in consolidated shareholders’ equity and in net profit are shown separately. All intercompany transactions and relations between the consolidated companies are offset against each other and eliminated. Profits on intercompany transactions are eliminated.

Companies and businesses acquired during the course of the year are consoliated as from the date of acquisition. The net assets acquired are revalued on the acquisition date at actual value. With the exception of goodwill, the fixed assets acquired are recognised on a gross basis. As part of the purchase price allocation, intangible assets are only recognised and revalued at actual value if they were already recognised in the balance sheet at the acquisition date. The difference between the purchase price and the interest in revalued net assets is recognised as goodwill in the balance sheet and amortised on a straight-line basis in the income statement over its useful life of 5 to 20 years. At Emmi, most of the goodwill positions have a useful life of 20 years, which is explained particulary by the long-term-oriented expansion of the international business. Any negative goodwill is recognised as a provision and is released in the income statement over a five-year period. In a business acquisition achieved in stages (step acquisition), the goodwill of each separate transaction is determined. Accordingly, the goodwill at the acquisition date consists of the sum of the goodwill generated on each separate transaction less goodwill amortisation. Companies sold during the year are excluded from the consolidated financial statements from the date of sale.

Minority interests acquired are likewise measured using the purchase method. Accordingly, the difference between the purchase price and the proportionate equity on the basis of Swiss GAAP FER is recognised as goodwill or negative goodwill.

When acquiring investments in associates and joint ventures, no purchase price allocation is performed. As a consequence, the difference between purchase price and proportionate equity in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER is recognised as goodwill or negative goodwill.

Where interests in fully consolidated companies or companies accounted for using the equity method are sold, the difference between the proceeds of the sale and the proportionate book value including goodwill is presented as a gain or loss in the income statement.

Translation of foreign currencies

Foreign currency transactions in Group companies

The foreign currency transactions and items contained in the individual financial statements of the consolidated companies are translated as follows: foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate valid on the transaction date (current rate). At year-end, monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currency are measured using the exchange rate valid at the balance sheet date, with any profit or loss from such valuation taken to the income statement. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the measurement of intercompany loans that are part of the net investment in a subsidiary are recognised in equity.

Exchange differences resulting from the revaluation of shares in associates are recognised in equity.

Translation of financial statements to be consolidated

Group financial statements are presented in Swiss francs. Assets and liabilities of Group companies with a functional currency other than the Swiss franc are translated at year-end rates (rates on balance sheet date); equity is translated at historical rates, while the income statement and cash flow statement are translated using average rates for the year. Any resulting exchange differences are recognised in shareholders’ equity.

Accumulated exchange differences of foreign companies recognised in equity resulting from the translation of annual statements and loans between Group companies that are part of the net investment in a subsidiary are derecognised upon sale of the company and repatriated in the income statement as part of the gain or loss resulting from the sale.

Currency exchange rates in CHF


Annual average rates

Year-end rates
















100 CLP






























Cash flow statement

Cash and cash equivalents form the basis for the presentation of the cash flow statement. Cash flow from operating activities is presented using the indirect method.

Principles of valuation

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash, balances in postal giro and bank accounts, and short-term time deposits with a residual term of less than three months. They are valued at their nominal value.

Securities (current)

Listed securities (incl. OTC securities with a market price) are valued at the market values prevailing on the balance sheet date. Unlisted securities are valued at acquisition cost less any necessary adjustments for impairment.

Trade receivables

Trade receivables include short-term receivables with a residual term of up to one year arising from ordinary operating activities. These receivables are valued at their nominal values. Credit default risks are accounted for by specific and general allowances. General allowances are recognised for items that have not yet been considered with a specific allowance. The general allowance is based on the assumption that the default risk increases as the debt becomes increasingly overdue.


Goods manufactured by the company itself are valued at production cost. Any lower net market value is taken into account (lower of cost or market principle). Merchandise and other stocks of goods are valued at the lower of average cost or net market price. Discounts are treated as purchase value reductions.

Financial assets

Financial assets include alongside non-consolidated investments securities held as long-term investments, long-term loans, employer contribution reserves and deferred tax assets. Securities held as long-term investments and loans are valued at cost less any necessary impairment. Employer contribution reserves are recognised at nominal value. For a description of the valuation principles of investments, refer to the consolidation principles, whereas for the valuation principles of deferred taxes, refer to the separate description within the valuation principles.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are valued at purchase cost less depreciation and any necessary impairment. Company-produced additions to plant and equipment are only recognised if they are clearly identifiable and the costs reliably determinable, and they bring a measurable benefit to the company over the course of several years. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the fixed asset.

The useful lives of assets have been determined as follows:




no depreciation

Administrative buildings and residential buildings

40 years

Industrial buildings, rock caves

25 to 40 years

Installations and fittings

15 years

Machinery and equipment

10 to 15 years

Business infrastructure

5 to 10 years


4 to 7 years

Company-produced additions to plant and equipment

5 years

Intangible assets

This item includes mainly EDP software, trademarks and goodwill from acquisitions. Intangible assets are recognised if they are clearly identifiable and the costs reliably determinable, and they bring a measurable benefit to the company over the course of several years. Intangible assets are valued at purchase cost less amortisation and any necessary impairment. Amortisation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the useful life and recognised in the income statement. The useful life of EDP software is 2 to 5 years. Goodwill from acquisitions and trademarks are amortised over 5 to 20 years. At Emmi, most goodwill has a useful life of 20 years, which is explained particulary by the long-term oriented expansion of the international business. The expected useful life of other intangible assets is determined on a case-by-case basis. The useful life is usually 5 years and in justified cases up to 20 years.


The value of non-current assets is assessed on the balance sheet date for indicators of impairment. If there is evidence of any lasting reduction in value, the recoverable amount is calculated (impairment test). If the book value exceeds the recoverable amount, the difference is recognised in the income statement as an impairment charge.

Major goodwill items are tested for impairment annually, based on a value-in-use calculation. The value-in-use calculation is based on future cash flows for the next five years and the extrapolated values as of the sixth year. The figures used are part of the multi-year financial planning approved by the Board of Directors.

Government grants

Government grants relating to investments in property, plant and equipment are deducted from the carrying value of the assets once the conditions to receive the grant are fully met. Consequently, as of the date when the conditions are met, government grants are released to the consolidated income statement on a straight-line basis over the expected lives of the related assets. Government grants that are received as a compensation of costs are credited to the income statement in the period when the costs are recognised. Grants received for which the conditions are not fully met are recognised as liabilities.


Group liabilities are recognised at their nominal values.


Leasing transactions are divided into finance leases and operating leases. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it essentially transfers all the risks and rewards of an asset incidental to ownership. The assets and liabilities arising out of finance leases are recognised in the balance sheet. Leasing liabilities arising out of operating leases that cannot be cancelled within one year are disclosed in note 26.


Provisions are recognised if an event in the past gives rise to a justified, likely obligation which is of uncertain timing and amount, but which can be estimated reliably. Provisions are measured on the basis of the estimated amount of money required to satisfy the obligation.

Negative goodwill

After the values of the individual net assets acquired have been adjusted and all necessary restructuring provisions created, any remaining negative goodwill is recognised as a provision and released in the income statement over a five-year period. Negative goodwill is reported under current and non-current provisions depending on the expected release date.

Employee benefit plan liabilities

Employees and former employees receive various employee benefits and old age pensions which are provided in accordance with the laws of the countries in question.

The Swiss companies of Emmi Group are affiliated to the “Emmi Vorsorgestiftung” (legally independent pension scheme) or are members of collective occupational pension foundations provided by banks or insurance companies, which do not carry risk themselves. These pension schemes are financed by employer and employee contributions.

The economic impact of existing pension schemes on the Emmi Group is reviewed each year. An economic benefit is recognised if it is permitted and intended to use the surplus to decrease the future pension expenses of the company. An economic obligation is recognised if the conditions for recognising a provision are met. The employer contribution reserves available are recognised as assets. Similar to pension contributions, changes of economic benefits or economic obligations are recognised in the income statement under personnel expenses.

Deferred income taxes

The annual accrual of deferred income taxes is based on a balance-sheet oriented approach and takes all future income tax effects into account. The future tax rate valid on the balance sheet date for the tax subject in question is used for the deferred income tax calculation. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset, provided they relate to the same tax subject and are levied by the same tax authority. Deferred income tax assets on temporary differences and on tax losses carried forward are only recognised if it is probable that they can be realised in future through sufficient taxable profits.

Derivative financial instruments

Emmi uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its currency, interest rate and commodity risks. Recognition of derivative financial instruments depends on the underlyings hedged. Derivatives used to hedge changes in the value of an underlying transaction already recognised in the financial statements are accounted for using the same valuation principle used for the underlying transaction hedged. Instruments for hedging future cash flows are not recognised in the balance sheet but disclosed in the Notes until the future cash flow is realised. Upon the occurrence of the future transaction or the disposal of the derivative instrument, the current value of the derivative financial instrument is recognised in the balance sheet and recorded in the income statement at the same time as the cash flow hedged. Any derivative financial instruments which are open as at the balance sheet date are disclosed in note 24 of the consolidated financial statements.

Net sales and revenue recognition

Net sales represent amounts received and receivable for goods supplied and for services rendered. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised in the income statement at the moment when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer, generally upon shipment. Revenue from services is recognised in the period when the services were rendered. Net sales consist of the amounts invoiced for products and services less credits, deductions and sales tax.

Research and development 

Research and development costs are fully charged to the income statement. These costs are included under “Personnel expenses” and “Other operating expenses”.

Contingent liabilities

The probability and the potential economic impact of contingent liabilities are assessed at each balance sheet date. Based on that assessment, contingent liabilities are evaluated and disclosed in the Notes.