With regard to the 2021/22 Sustainability Report, an update was made to the previous materiality matrix. At that time, the material topics were determined by means of a double materiality analysis, in which both financial materiality and impact materiality were assessed internally (as part of a due diligence review). To update the materiality matrix, Emmi added new potentially relevant material topics, based on the altered framework conditions, to those it had previously considered to be material. All topics were then assessed by internal experts in terms of their impact on the business environment and recorded in a materiality matrix. Based on this and supplemented by a selection of material topics derived from it, the Sustainability Steering Committee finally validated the matrix, including all materiality topics.
In terms of this report, the existing material topics were once again critically examined by internal experts in consultation with external experts and prioritised based on their position in the matrix in accordance with the requirements of the 2021 GRI Standards. Digitalisation and innovation can support and accelerate Emmi’s economic success and sustainability in a large number of areas. They are therefore not to be seen as sustainability topics in their own right, but rather as topics that span multiple areas that are dealt with where relevant. The topic of community engagement was classified as “non-material” because it is difficult to quantify its impacts. It is no longer covered in the reporting. The material topic previously dealt with under the heading “Governance” is now referred to as “Responsibility in business conduct” in order to avoid any confusion with the chapter on corporate governance and sustainability governance. The two material topics “Nutrition” and “Product quality and safety” have been combined into one topic due to their similarity in terms of content (including product-relatedness and consumers as the main target group).
Emmi’s double materiality matrix
In this report, Emmi comprehensively addresses the first twelve material topics in accordance with the requirements of the 2021 GRI Standards.
For the latter two topics, biodiversity and deforestation, the impact on society and the environment was classified as non-material (medium or low) according to the materiality analysis on which this report is based. The financial risks to business success were also classified as low in both areas. As a result, these topics are currently excluded from the scope of this Sustainability Report but are still being monitored.
However, Emmi is well aware of the importance of biodiversity and deforestation in relation to the following material sustainability topics: sustainable dairy, reducing greenhouse gases and responsible procurement. It is already integrating relevant aspects into the respective chapters.
Emmi has placed a double materiality analysis on its agenda in accordance with the ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) and will focus intensively on the relevant topics next year. Within this context, Emmi is reassessing biodiversity and deforestation.