Declaration of use: The Emmi Group has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
GRI 1 used: GRI 1: Basics 2021
CG = Corporate Governance
CR = Compensation Report
FR = Financial Report
MT = Material topics
SR = Sustainability Report
GRI Standards / other source |
Details |
Place of disclosure / information |
Link |
Omission Requirement |
Reason |
Explanation |
General information |
GRI 2: General information 2021 |
2–1 Organisational profile |
The year at Emmi 2024, We are Emmi CG 2024, Group structure and shareholders | |
2–2 Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting |
FR 2024, Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, Summary of consolidated companies, associates and joint ventures SR 2024, About this report | |
2–3 Reporting period, frequency and point of contact |
SR 2024, About this report |
2–4 Correction to or adjustment of information |
SR 2024, About this report |
2–5 External audit |
SR 2024, KPMG audit report |
2–6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships |
The year at Emmi 2024, We are Emmi |
2–7 employees |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Further key figures on Emmi Group employees The Emmi Group has no employees with non-guaranteed working hours. | The Emmi Group has no employees with non-guaranteed working hours. |
2–8 Employees who are not salaried staff members |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Further key figures on Emmi Group employees |
2–9 Management structure and composition |
CG 2024, Board of Directors |
2–10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body |
CG 2024, Board of Directors |
2–11 Chair of the highest governance body |
CG 2024, Board of Directors |
2–12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Internal organisation, Composition, duties and delimitation of responsibilities of the committees CG 2024, Board of Directors, Definition of responsibilities between the Board of Directors and Group Executive Management CG 2024, Board of Directors, Information and control instruments vis-a-vis Group Executive Management | |
2–13 Delegation of responsibility for the management of impacts |
The year at Emmi 2024, Letter to Shareholders |
2–14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Definition of responsibilities between the Board of Directors and Group Executive Management |
2–15 Conflicts of interest |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Internal organisation, Working methods of the Board of Directors and its committees |
2–16 Communication of critical concerns |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Information and control instruments vis-a-vis Group Executive Management |
2–17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Professional background and other activities and interests |
2–18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body |
CG 2024, Board of Directors, Internal organisation, Allocation of duties within the Board of Directors |
2–19 Remuneration policy |
CR 2024, Remuneration system, Remuneration components CR 2024, Remuneration system, Remuneration of Group Executive Management | |
2–20 Process for determining remuneration |
CR 2024, Responsibility and definition process |
2–21 Annual total compensation ratio |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
The Emmi Group regards all required information as confidential company information. |
2–22 Statement on Sustainable Development Strategy |
The year at Emmi 2024, Letter to Shareholders |
2–23 Declaration of commitment to principles and procedures |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals |
2–24 Embedding of political commitments |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals |
2–25 Processes to eliminate adverse impacts |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals |
2–26 Procedures for seeking advice and raising concerns |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals |
2–27 Compliance with laws and ordinances |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
The Emmi Group regards all required information as confidential company information. |
2–28 Membership of associations and interest groups |
SR 2024, The Emmi sustainability model, Memberships of associations and interest groups |
2–29 Strategy for stakeholder engagement |
The year at Emmi 2024, We are Emmi SR 2024, The Emmi sustainability model, The Emmi sustainability governance model Emmi stakeholder approach | |
2–30 Collective bargaining agreements |
SR 2024, MT, Responsibility in business conduct, Developments in the year under review |
b. Determination of working and employment conditions |
This information is currently not available. A future evaluation will be examined. |
Material topics |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–1 Process for determining material topics |
SR 2024, Derivation of the material reporting topics |
3–2 List of material topics |
SR 2024, Derivation of the material reporting topics, List of material topics |
Economic performance |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Economic performance, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Economic performance, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Economic performance, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 201: Economic performance 2016 |
201–1 Directly generated and distributed economic value |
SR 2024, MT, Economic performance, Developments in the year under review |
a. and b. Breakdown by region a. ii. Investments at local level |
a. and b. Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality a. ii. Information not available/incomplete |
a. and b. For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish any regional key figures a. ii. Grants and donations (under investments at communal level) are currently not recognised separately and therefore cannot be reported on a consolidated basis for the Emmi Group. A future evaluation will be examined. |
201–3 Liabilities for defined benefit pension plan and other pension plans |
FR 2024, Consolidated Financial Statements of Emmi Group, Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, Employee benefit schemes |
d. and e. Percentage of salary and level of participation in pension plans |
Information not available/incomplete |
The Emmi Group publishes its financial report in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER, which does not require the disclosure of this information. |
201–4 Financial support from public authorities |
FR 2024, Consolidated Financial Statements of Emmi Group, Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, Government grants No state participates in the shareholding structure. | No state participates in the shareholding structure. |
Sustainable dairy |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Sustainable dairy, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Sustainable dairy, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Sustainable dairy, Developments in the year under review | |
Own key figure: Proportion of “Sustainable Swiss Milk” |
SR 2024, MT, Sustainable dairy, Developments in year under review |
Own key figure: Proportion of processed label milk international |
SR 2024, MT, Sustainable dairy, Developments in year under review |
Nutrition, product quality and safety |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Nutrition, product quality and safety, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Nutrition, product quality and safety, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Nutrition, product quality and safety, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 416: Customer health and safety 2016 |
416–1 Assessing the health and safety impacts of different product and service categories |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish key figures on product quality or safety at Group level. Key figures for division Switzerland are disclosed. |
416–2 Violations relating to the health and safety effects of products and services |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish key figures on product quality or safety at Group level. Key figures for division Switzerland are disclosed. |
GRI 417: Marketing and labelling 2016 |
417–1 Requirements for product and service information and labelling |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish key figures on product quality or safety at Group level. Key figures for division Switzerland are disclosed. |
417–2 Violations in connection with product and service information and labelling |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish key figures on product quality or safety at Group level. Key figures for division Switzerland are disclosed. |
417–3 Violations in connection with marketing and communication |
All required information |
Restrictions due to a duty of confidentiality |
For competitive reasons, Emmi does not publish key figures on product quality or safety at Group level. Key figures for division Switzerland are disclosed. |
Developing employees |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 404: Training and education 2016 |
404–1 Average hours of training and education per year per employee |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Developments in the year under review |
a. ii. Employee category |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently differentiate by employee category or function. A future evaluation will be examined. |
404–2 Programmes for improving employee competencies and transition assistance |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Developments in the year under review | |
b. Transitional assistance programmes |
Information not available/incomplete |
Information on transitional assistance is not currently available on a consolidated basis for the Emmi Group. A future evaluation will be examined. |
404–3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews |
SR 2024, MT, Developing employees, Further key figures on Emmi Group employees |
a. Employee category by function |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi breaks down the employee category by hierarchical levels for this key figure. A breakdown by function will be reviewed for the future. |
Reducing greenhouse gases |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Strategy SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Risk management SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures | |
GRI 201: Economic performance 2016 |
201–2 Financial implications of climate change for the organisation and other risks and opportunities related to climate change |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Strategy |
GRI 302: Energy 2016 |
302–1 Energy consumption within the organisation |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
Energy consumption within the organisation c. In joules, watt hours or multiples of units, the total value for: i. Power consumption ii. Thermal energy consumption iii. Cooling energy consumption iv. Steam consumption |
Information not available/incomplete |
The breakdown of key performance indicators for energy consumption does not yet meet all GRI requirements. Cooling energy is included in the electricity category and thermal energy in the steam category. No corresponding adjustment is currently planned. |
302–2 Energy consumption outside the organisation |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently report the data for energy separately. Emmi works with emission factors outside the organisation. Total consumption can therefore be reported for 305–3. However, energy consumption cannot be specified in a more granular manner at this point in time. |
302–3 Energy intensity |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
302–4 Reducing energy consumption |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
302–5 Reducing energy requirements for products and services |
All required information |
Not applicable |
Emmi does not sell any products that consume energy in their use phase. |
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 |
305–1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
c. Biogenic CO2 emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent |
Information not available/incomplete |
Data for biogenic CO2 emissions will be available in the future. |
305–2 Indirect energy-related (Scope 2) GHG emissions |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
305–3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
c. Biogenic CO2 emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent |
Information not available/incomplete |
Data for biogenic CO2 emissions will be available in the future. |
305–4 Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
305–5 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing emissions, Metrics, goals and measures |
305–6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
No consolidated information is currently available for the Emmi Group. For the coming reporting period, the coolants used by Emmi will be analysed and evaluated with regard to the requirements of the GRI. |
305–7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and other significant air emissions |
All required information |
Not applicable |
This is not a material issue for the Emmi Group, as no relevant emissions are generated in these categories. |
Reducing water consumption |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 303: Water and wastewater 2018 |
303–1 Water as a shared resource |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use, Management approach and goals | |
303–2 Management of water discharge effects |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
No consolidated information is currently available for the Emmi Group. |
303–3 Water extraction |
SR 2024, MT, Reducing water use, Developments in the year under review |
a., b. and c. Breakdown of total quantity by source |
Information not available/incomplete |
A breakdown of water extraction data by source is currently not possible at Group level. According to current planning, this is to be adjusted in the future, in conjunction with a change of system. The Emmi definition of “water consumption” corresponds to the definition of “water extraction” in accordance with GRI standards 2021, GRI 303. |
303–4 Water discharge |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently have any data on water discharge at Group level. According to the current plan, it should be possible to communicate this data in the future, together with a change of system. |
303–5 Water consumption |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently have any data at Group level on water consumption in accordance with GRI. According to the current plan, it should be possible to communicate this data in the future, together with a change of system. The Emmi definition of “water consumption” corresponds to the definition of “water extraction” in accordance with GRI standards 2021, GRI 303. |
Packaging |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Packaging, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Packaging, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Packaging, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 301: Materials 2016 |
301–1 Materials used by weight or volume |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently have any data at Group level. Key figures are already being disclosed for Switzerland, Spain and Italy. |
301–2 Recycled input materials used |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently have any data at Group level. Data for other recycled source materials used will be disclosed for Switzerland in the future. However, a different calculation method is used based on company-specific processes for recognising and classifying recycled materials; see 'Methodology for non-financial key figures 2024'. |
301–3 Recycled products and their packaging materials |
All required information |
Not applicable |
As a food manufacturer, the Emmi Group cannot recycle its products. This does not apply to a negligible quantity of glass bottles (packaging material) in Switzerland. |
Own key figure: Percentage of recyclable material |
SR 2024, MT, Packaging, Developments in the year under review |
Occupational health and safety |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 |
403–1 Occupational health and safety management system |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–2 Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–3 Occupational health services |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–4 Employee participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–5 Worker training on occupational health and safety |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–6 Promoting employee health |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly related to business relationships |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Management approach and goals |
403–8 Employees covered by an occupational health and safety management system |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Developments in the year under review |
Information only for employees and not for employees who are not salaried staff members |
Legal prohibitions |
Data collection and analysis are not possible for employees who are not salaried staff members based on the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) for division Switzerland. A future evaluation outside Switzerland will be examined. |
403–9 Work-related injuries |
SR 2024, MT, Occupational health and safety, Developments in the year under review |
b. For all employees who are not salaried staff members but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the organisation |
Legal prohibitions |
Data collection and analysis is not possible for employees who are not salaried staff members based on the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) for division Switzerland. A future evaluation outside Switzerland will be examined. |
403–10 Work-related illnesses |
a. For all employees iii. The main types of work-related illness b. For all employees who are not salaried staff members but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the organisation c. Work-related hazards involving a risk of illness |
a. and c. Information not available/incomplete b. Legal prohibitions |
a. and c. The Emmi Group does not currently have the corresponding data available. The collection will be reviewed for the coming reporting period. b. Data collection and analysis are not possible for employees who are not salaried staff members as well as the number of documented work-related illnesses based on the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) for division Switzerland. A future evaluation outside Switzerland will be examined. |
Responsible sourcing |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 408: Child labour 2016 |
408–1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible sourcing, Management approach and goals |
Food waste |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Developments in the year under review | |
Own key figure: Food waste (dry matter) |
SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Developments in the year under review |
Responsibility in business conduct |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 |
205–1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Developments in the year under review |
205–2 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Emmi does not currently have any data at Group level on the required information. |
205–3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Developments in the year under review |
GRI 206: Anti-competitive behaviour 2016 |
206–1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices |
SR 2024, MT, Responsible business conduct, Developments in the year under review |
Waste |
GRI 3: Material topics 2021 |
3–3 Management of material topics |
SR 2024, MT, Waste, Impact on the environment and society, and opportunities and risks for Emmi SR 2024, MT, Waste, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Waste, Developments in the year under review | |
GRI 306: Waste 2020 |
306–1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts |
All required information upstream or downstream in own value chain |
Information not available/incomplete |
There is currently no comprehensive presentation of waste in the upstream or downstream steps of the value chain. A future evaluation will be examined. |
306–2 Management of significant waste-related impacts |
SR 2024, MT, Packaging, Management approach and goals SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Developments in the year under review | |
All required information upstream or downstream in own value chain |
Information not available/incomplete |
Partial omission: There is currently no comprehensive presentation of waste in the upstream or downstream steps of the value chain. A future evaluation will be examined. |
306–3 Waste generated |
SR 2024, MT, Waste, Developments in the year under review |
a. Breakdown by composition of waste b. Contextual information for breakdown |
Information not available/incomplete |
Partial omission: Emmi does not currently have any data on the composition of waste at Group level. Only data from division Switzerland is currently available for food waste. |
306–4 Waste diverted from disposal |
SR 2024, MT, Food waste, Developments in the year under review |
All required information except the total weight of waste diverted from disposal and information on food waste as part of waste diverted from disposal. |
Information not available/incomplete |
Partial omission: Emmi does not currently have any data on the composition of waste at Group level (food waste). The categories “hazardous waste”, “processing for recycling” and “recycling” are not relevant for Emmi within food waste. The separate collection of waste for use as animal feed is currently not feasible. |
306–5 Waste directed for disposal |
SR 2024, MT, Waste, Developments in the year under review |
All required information |
Information not available/incomplete |
Partial omission: Separate categories according to GRI for hazardous and non-hazardous waste are not currently recorded. Hazardous waste is classified as hazardous waste at Emmi. Details on hazardous waste are explained in the relevant section. |