
31. Risk management and internal controls

The Board of Directors of Emmi AG has the ultimate responsibility for risk management, while implementation is delegated to Group Executive Management. Irrespective of the type of risk, there is a generally applicable risk management process. As part of a formal process, significant business risks are assessed in a first process step in workshops and individual interviews, and then analysed and evaluated according to the extent of the potential damage and their likelihood of occurrence. The second process step involves risk management and the creation of a list of measures per risk and risk reporting.

The Board of Directors of Emmi AG discussed and approved the risk assessment in the year under review. It monitors the implementation of the defined measures by Group Executive Management. No exceptional risks that went beyond normal limits were identified during the assessment. The process is repeated annually. The following risks, among others, were identified as significant risks to the Emmi Group:

The Emmi Group is exposed to various financial risks through its business activities, including credit, liquidity and other market risks. Credit risks are managed by means of continual monitoring of day-to-day business and appropriate risk assessment when closing a transaction. Liquidity risk is managed by means of central cash management, which ensures that the planned liquidity requirement is covered by corresponding financing agreements. Other market risks, such as currency and interest rate risks, are partially hedged using derivative instruments. The non-hedged portion is consciously borne as a risk. The currencies of particular relevance to the Emmi Group are the euro, the US dollar and the British pound.

To ensure that the consolidated financial statements comply with the applicable accounting standards and are reported accurately, the Emmi Group has set up effective internal control and management systems, which are reviewed regularly. Accounting and valuation include estimates and assumptions regarding the future. These are based on the knowledge possessed by the respective employees and are regularly examined with a critical eye. Where a financial position includes a major valuation uncertainty that could lead to a significant change in the carrying amount, this uncertainty is disclosed accordingly in the Notes. However, no risks that could lead to a significant correction to the company’s assets, financial position or results of operations as reported in the annual accounts were identified as at the balance sheet date.